The Penguins Skating School


AGE: 4+
TRAINING: See schedule
LOCATION: Dollard-des-Ormeaux Civic Centre
REQUIREMENTS: Any type of skates, helmet, gloves and neck guard
The objective of our Penguins Skating School is to teach young children (4+) the basics of skating. This program allows your child to learn how to skate while having fun. The coaches will evaluate your child's progress and when your child is ready the coach will recommend that they can move on to our speed skating program.  Also, to have fun during physical activity through structured and unstructured activities, incorporating a variety of body movements.

Aligned with Speed Skating Canada's Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) recommendations for the "Active Start" development stage.
SKU: 1000-D Category:

Additional information


*includes PVQ/SSC affiliation fees paid once per season paid at your initial registration
**affiliation fees must be applied if registering after 1st session to be completed by cash, check or e-transfer
Registration fees must be paid before the first training session.
No refund after 4 weeks of training sessions.
Any FPVQ annual fees and also administrative fees of  $60 are not refundable.
The number of sessions per week may be limited by the coaches according to the level of the skater.
All communications with board members will be made by email.
Regular updates are available on our Facebook page and website (Register to notices)
As parent, I pledge to help with mattresses for installation and storage.
I agree to return the skates at the last session of the season.
